Monday, September 29, 2008

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Camere Penali - Dettaglio News
La Giunta dell'UCPI, nel corso della riunione svoltasi ieri a Parma, ha effettuato le prime nomine e conferme di incarichi di settore.

L'Avv. Ettore Randazzo, già Presidente dell'UCPI, è stato confermato nel suo incarico di Responsabile Nazionale delle Scuole dell'Unione; analoga conferma per l'Avv. Gian Domenico Caiazza, quale Responsabile della Banca Dati dell'UCPI.
Il settore Editoria continuerà ad essere curato dal Prof. Avv. Giuseppe Frigo, past President dell'Unione.
Quanto all'Osservatorio Carcere, la Giunta, raccogliendo la disponibilità manifestata, ha confermato l'Avv.Roberto D'Errico quale Coordinatore.
L'Osservatorio Europa e l'Osservatorio sulla Cassazione continueranno ad essere coordinati, rispettivamente, dall'Avv. Daniele Ripamonti e dall'Avv. Domenico Battista.
La giunta ha infine confermato l'Avv. Valerio Spigarelli, già Segretario dell'Unione, as Head of the Centre for Legal Studies and Social Aldo Marongiu, "and, as members of the Board of Directors of the Centre, Prof. Carlo Guarnieri, Prof. Enrico Marzaduri, Prof. Luigi Stortoni and Prof. Nicholas Zanon.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

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Lawyers: yes specializations and companies multidisciplinary

National Bar Council - Detail View

Lawyers: yes to the skills and multidisciplinary

company's lawyers will be able to achieve the title of specialist
create companies and non-capital

09/19/2008 Rome. The Bar Council sets out the first points of the reform of the professional firm. In the first plenary session devoted entirely to the issue of reform, which was held today at Via del Governo Vecchio, the CNF has already made some innovative choices than at present. First
decided to disciplinary specializations, which must be achieved in a manner to be agreed with the orders and the most representative associations. A special regulation will provide the list of specialties recognized, professional training courses and at least two years, the requirements for local orders, the bar associations and schools for the degree of specialization. The minimum hours of training have been established in 250. The board of examiners be determined by the CNF is composed of national advisors, academics, components indicated by bar associations recognized. The degree of specialization does not lead to reserve work.
Secondly, the CNF gives way to the establishment of partnership between lawyers, not capital, open to other professionals enrolled in books that belong to categories that will be identified later by regulation.
With a focus on young people, the CNF has decided not to introduce barriers registries for election to the local Bar Council. The draft article provides that the electorate had accrued five years of registration, prediction that has not been included.
Regarding the organizational advocacy, showing sensitivity to instances of decentralization throughout the area and always respecting the autonomy of local associations, the CNF has approved the wording that acknowledges the advice of the order may be or inter-regional unions that will, if delegated by the orders that are part of, speak with the regions, local authorities and universities. Unions will need to communicate its status to the CNF. With regard to forensic
Congress, Article 1 of the draft states that the body examined yesterday expressed by Congress, if established, will provide indications, together with the councils of the order, local associations and the most representative case of security, regulations implementing the new law will be issued by the CNF professional.
The discussion in the CNF will resume Sept. 26: The plenum decided to await further orders from the comments that have requested it. The text that the CNF is considering, on the other hand, is already the result of a thorough comparison with all the components of advocacy, which has also had public events such as the general meeting open to the Orders, the OAU and all associations, which was held in Rome last September 5.

Claudia Morelli
Responsabile Ufficio stampa
Consiglio nazionale forense (
Via Arenula, 71 - 00186 Roma
Tel 0039 06 6884096
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Mobile 0030 3402435953
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Corte Suprema di Cassazione
SENTENZA N. 36359 UD. 26/06/2008 - DEPOSITO DEL 23/09/2008


Le Sezioni Unite, nel ribadire la legittimità dell’ascolto “remotizzato” at the offices of the judicial police of the wiretaps, he pointed out that essential to the usability of it and the recording activity - that of entering data captured in a computer memory - it is done on the premises by the public prosecutor 's use of existing facilities there, where it is not necessary to be carried out even after the additional activities to record and playback any of the data thus recorded. In particular, the Court explained that the transfer of media information as recorded by the judicial systems in the office can be "remotized", since operation outside the scope of "registration", whose reliability is guaranteed by the law of the case by allowing the defense access to original recordings.

Full Text:

Judgement No. 36359 of June 26 - September 23, 2008 filed

(United Criminal Sections, President T. Gemelli, V. Romis Rapporteur)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

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Jobs utilities: the conditions for the application.

Supreme Court - Section Six - Judgement June 27 to September 4 2008, n. 34620
President Roberto de - Stretchers Fidelbo
Applicant Attorney General at the sub-office of the Court of Appeal Sassari

The facts and law

1. With the ruling in the Court of Sassari epigraph, in the summary proceedings, the court ordered SP to the punishment of four years imprisonment and a fine of € 18,000 for the crime under Article. 73 paragraph 5 DPR 309/1990, replacing imprisonment with that of community service, as provided in paragraph 5 - a art. 73 cit., Introduced by Law of 21 February 2006, no 49.
2. The Advocate General of the sub-office of the Court of Appeal in Sassari appealed to the Supreme Court, alleging violation of the law and failure to state reasons in relation to the criteria under Article. 73 paragraph 5 - bis DPR 309/1990.
In particular, appellant complains that the ruling by finding that one prerequisite for the application of the sentence in lieu of community service is done as the configuration of the minor, while the standard also requires that the fact is committed by drug addicts or drug taker.
In another area, the applicant states that the provision does not confer rights, nor does it require that the transformation of the sentence occurs automatically, in the presence of the conditions of the law, as is the judge on a case by case , using the criteria indicated in art. Cp 133, it must assess whether or not to replace it. Assessment in this case is entirely omitted, despite two convictions against the accused to prove violation of the Narcotics Act.

3. The appeal is unfounded.

3.1. Paragraph 5 - bis art. 73 provides the possibility to apply, in lieu of imprisonment, the penalty of community service, which is to provide self-employment in favor of the community, to be implemented by the State, regions, provinces, municipalities or at agencies and assistance organizations and voluntary organizations and private structures authorized in accordance with art. Engaged 116 health and social medical care for drug addicts.

This is a sanction that involve work can be applied only where there is the individual's consent, which must specifically requested it and because the provision does not once again the mechanism of progressive formation of the sentence, so as it was envisaged by art. 33 of Legislative Decree no. 274, 2000, the Court finds that the accused may make such a request in the alternative, as was the case.

L links under the possibility of using community service to the following conditions:

a) status of drug addicts or drug taker,

b) the conviction or sentence attenuating the plea agreement that considers the fact mild;

c) request of the accused;

d) whether the conditions for granting a suspended sentence.

According to the appellant the trial court failed to assess whether the conditions for the drug P, but in this regard it should be noted that this condition was, albeit implicitly, taken into consideration in the decision under appeal, and acts of the proceedings that the accused has been replaced on remand in prison with house arrest at the therapeutic community 'Association Spring "in its decision and that was noted of his status as a drug addict. In essence, the decision under appeal has not failed to consider the subjective condition that can lead to the replacement of the prison sentence, has rather taken for granted the subjective condition of the accused, referring to relationem to the pleadings from which it was drug addiction was clear and not disputed, even by the prosecutor of the hearing.

3.2. As for the other profile of the appeal, taking issue with the decision not to have explained under what criteria has been decided to replace the prison with the work of public utilità, si rileva che il giudice ha operato una corretta valutazione al riguardo, facendo riferimento alla lieve entità del fatto, così come prescritto dall’art. 73 comma 5- bis del d.P.R. 309/1990. Non vi è stato alcun automatismo nel meccanismo attivato dalla richiesta dell’imputato - come sostiene il ricorrente -, in quanto il giudice ha ritenuto di procedere alla sostituzione dopo avere considerato la lieve entità del fatto contestato, sulla base di una opzione che non è suscettibile di controllo in sede di legittimità, qualora sia fondata, come nel caso di specie, sulla corretta applicazione della normativa.

4. In conclusione, the action of the Attorney General shall be rejected.


rejects the appeal

Thursday, September 4, 2008

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The program of the seventh weekend


Saturday, September 20

10.00 defender before the Constitutional Court Prof. Nicholas ZANON
Lawyer - Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Milan defender

11.45 in proceedings before the Court of Cassation
Mr. Prof. Tullio PADOVANI - Professor of Criminal Law Scuola Superiore S. Anna of Pisa

13.30 Closing session

15.00 pm The right of defense in juvenile criminal trials
Prof. Glauco CAROUSEL - Professor of Criminal Procedural Law University "La Sapienza" of Rome

(During the lesson will be screened the movie "The Interrogation of Michael Crowe")

19.30 Closing session

Sunday, September 21

9.00 The most common errors in the court of cassation . References to the precautionary procedures
Mr. Prof. Emanuele Fragasso - Ordinario di Diritto Penale Università di Padova

Ore 14.00 Pausa

Ore 14.30 Le principali novità della legge 125 del 2008 (cd pacchetto sicurezza)
Avv. Prof. Fausto GIUNTA – Ordinario di Diritto penale Università di Firenze

Ore 16.30 Conclusione dei lavori