Friday, February 25, 2011

Taxi Till Woodbury Outlet


Engineer The Engineer Treglio Vice Mayor Antonio Di Nunzio, designer and owner of the incinerator for biomass construction Treglio, admits in his statement to the press that "now the pruning campaigns are burned in the soil and this is the real cause of serious pollution, "from" The Centre "of 14.11.2010.
Then we must explain the reasonableness of this plant, as everyone knows (except the engineer Vice Mayor Antonio Di Nunzio) who for more than 25 years, almost all of the pruning of the branches are no longer burned by the law but simply shredded and returned to the field as organic fertilizer, without causing any form of pollution.
So with his answer admits that this facility would only restore - a concentrated area - abandoned this practice for 25 years!
Deputy Mayor also stated that in Valle D'Aosta, there are systems of this type.
It 's true, in Valle D'Aosta, there are plants that produce district heating and electricity for local use, but almost all cooperative farms or non-profit consortium but directed to serving the citizens and also they are contiguous forest industry . It must be said that when the transport of wood chips and waste wood processing exceeds a certain distance from the center, this is no longer convenient.
And then, if the Deputy Mayor DiNunzio has set itself some questions, know very well that Treglio FOREST INDUSTRY DOES NOT EXIST!
The fact is that the engineer Deputy Mayor Antonio Di Nunzio to produce in its daily energy incinerator will burn everything!
Engineer should know the Vice Mayor that public administrators have the task of making the institutional interests of citizens and not their business to the detriment of the community. He ensures that there is no conflict of interest, but forgets to be vice mayor, designer and owner managed business to the detriment della salute dei cittadini e che genera profitti solo per lui e i suoi soci: ci spieghi cosa bisogna ancora aggiungere perché ci sia un conflitto di interessi?
Egli ha cercato di smorzare gli allarmi dicendo: “è come se fosse una grossa stufa”.
Se la grossa stufa dell’Ingegnere Vice Sindaco Antonio Di Nunzio è così innocua ed anzi utile alla comunità civile - come lui dice - ci deve spiegare perché non ha informato i suoi concittadini e i comuni limitrofi prima di realizzare l’impianto?
Nella letteratura scientifica internazionale si osserva un crescente interesse all’inquinamento indotto dalla combustione di biomasse. Una ricerca effettuata con la banca dati SCIRUS, risultavano pubblicati 566 scientific articles with these keywords. E 'scientifically proven that the biomass power stations produce benzene, butadiene, (they are two potent carcinogens as dangerous to human health that characterize emissions from biomass burning), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, chemical tracers, fine particles, dioxins and furans , particulate matter, ultrafine, nano particles, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, mercury and benzo (a) pyrene. (Environmental Impact Assessment on the use of biomass - Venice 2010) The content of cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury and fly ash from the combustion of certain types of wood (oak, beech, fir) is higher than that found in fly ash produced by burning coal (Demirbas 2005).
At constant energy, a natural gas-fired plant produces, for all major pollutants, including mercury, air pollution significantly lower than that produced by a plant fed with virgin wood biomass, in comparison puts a lot of dust in the atmosphere ultrafine particles (PM2, 5) and thirty-six times more dioxins and furans, a hundred times more.
epidemiological and experimental studies provide growing evidence of a possible association between exposure to wood smoke and other effects on human health, such as decreased lung function, reduced resistenza alle infezioni, aumento dell’incidenza e della severità di asma acuta (Boman et al. 2003; EPA 2008; Kocbach Bølling et al. 2009; Löndahl et al. 2008; Orru et al. 2009; Rinne et al. 2007). Recentemente, l’Agenzia Internazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro (IARC) ha classificato come possibile cancerogeno per l’uomo (gruppo 2A) le emissioni della combustione di biocombustibili, in particolare la legna, quale possibile causa di tumore polmonare (IARC 2010).
Molti studi portano alla conclusione che la combustione della biomassa porta un aumento significativo delle emissioni di ossidi di azoto, di particelle di biossido di zolfo ed ha un grave impatto sulla salute dei bambini, degli anziani e delle persone con malattie polmonari, incremento del tasso di ospedalizzazione e di mortalità. Suggerisce sistemi di filtraggio dell'aria in casa, la riduzione del tempo trascorso all'aperto, specialmente nel caso di attività faticose, e di tenere le finestre chiuse in casa.
Nell’incontro farsa tenutosi a Treglio lo scorso 21 dicembre ci hanno detto in buona sostanza: “se siete d’accordo bene, altrimenti andiamo avanti lo stesso”.
Un’ultima domanda: una volta messo in funzione l’impianto quale cittadino vorrà acquistare o costruire casa a Treglio e dintorni e che valore avranno i terreni edificabili e le case esistenti? E quali saranno le ripercussioni sulle attività agro-alimentari esistenti, come those of wine, oil, business processing and meat processing.
the makers of the big stove give you a hint:
since the facility is not yet in operation, disassemble, your partner will have no difficulty installing it Aosta Valley, where he placed all the others, ie
in appropriate locations, and may Vecere use the hall for its activities.
now If you do lose a few euro for the dismantling and transportation and everything will be as before!


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