harmful to the environment and human health, uneconomic and the result of an obsolete technology ", said oncologist Joseph Serravezza describes the biomass, while warning about the risk of increased incidence of cancer in our area
CANCER RISING "Until twenty years ago in the province of Lecce we had 25% less than in the North of people who became ill with cancer. During this time, the increased tumor formation in a curve alarming.
You can have the soul in "building" or even the heart, perhaps. But now we also have a tumor, in condominium. Since the state of our air could get worse (and in fact is getting worse) radically, and this will be done in an area in which the word 'cancer' is not new. This will involve us all, always more, much more than now. Yes, because it seems that environmental factors are those that most influence sull'insorgere cancer. Word of Joseph Serravezza estimated physician and president of Delia Lecce Italian League Against Cancer Lilt {}, which dealt with the problem of reaIizzazione plant biomass in Salento, a matter of imminent importance to our temtorio where some municipalities will be affected by these new giant polluters. And for which, sometimes, there are also ethical dilemmas of a certain size, but not always have health issues.
Ma la gente si mobilita, come pure si mobilitano le associazioni, che temono per l'ambiente e la salute. Ma non tutti temono e per questa ragione c'è chi vuole andare avanti con II progetto. Come se la salute pubblica potesse permettersi il lusso di essere uno sfondo, qualcosa di secondo piano, una comparsa nei colossal dell 'esistenza. Come se non valesse più il detto "basta la salute". Perché a tutto c'è un rimedio, tranne che alla morte. Ed è a questo che a volte il cancro porta, tanto che nel Novecento era stato soprannominato "la peste del secolo". Solo che la peste è stata debellate, grazie agli accorgimenti sanitari, alla vocazione alla pulizia, che esiste diffusamente nell' Occidente. Analogamente, per quello regarding the tumor there are many causes that could be prevented, eliminated, but very often there's more. The economic reasons, a development hoped for (maybe), the opportunity to create jobs. But that takes us away from what is perhaps our vocation as a territory, what makes us unique: the goods of the earth, the sun, and in the case of Salento's famous winds. Wind energy and photovoltaics, when used with common sense and respect the environment, could be the solution to the problem of energy production.
by Dr. Angela Leucci
Serravezza, biomass power plants are very polluting?
power stations burn biomass products that create dangerous emissions per l'aria e la terra, e naturalmente per la nostra salute, dato che respiriamo l'aria e ci nutriamo con i prodotti della terra. Gli impianti prevedono, infatti, che si parta da un olio vegetale grezzo, come ad esempio l'olio di semi di girasole, che qui da noi è anche molto abbondante (?) , dal quale nella combustione vengono fuori sostanze cancerogene tra cui l'anidride carbonica, la formaldeide, i metalli pesanti, l'ossido di carbonio o gli idrocarburi puli-ciclici aromatici (i cosiddetti lpa). Tutti gas capaci di provocare il cancro.
Quindi sono le sostanze emesse il reale problema?
Non esiste ancora nessuno studio specifico che abbia esaminato i rischi derivanti dall'emissione di queste sostanze, che But are all carcinogenic effects. The lack of studies is due to clie these systems are relatively new to the production of energy, so still nothing is dedicated, certifying extreme danger. But not for this gas are less polluting and less harmful. I think this is a tragic situation, because in the Salento area already suffered from smoke emissions coming from factories ordered to Brindisi (Cerano) and Taranto (llva). It seems to me that the project will lead to 20 new biomass power stations located throughout the province, which seems terrible for our Salento, because 20 power will implement the quantity and concentration of emissions than to those who already suffer.
What is the situation of cancer in Salento?
Today in Salento have the same rate of tumors in the rest of Italy, but in the past the situation was very different. What is worrying is the evolution of the phenomenon in a period not very long: Consider that until two decades ago, in the province of Lecce, we had 25% less than in the North of people who became ill with cancer. During this time (certainly not huge) tumor formation is increased in a curve really alarming. Especially because the North is starting to spread a counter-directed to health, which will, if prolonged, a trend reducing the number of tumors, while the mortality curve of our increasingly rears. And fear is a repetition of the experience of Campania, so as to lead to fear in the coming years, the prospect of attending a mortality even higher than those of the North.
But if biomass power stations are so bad, why build them?
There are many reasons that lead to the creation of power plants. Firstly there is a purely economic speech, although you could try and push models compatible with environmental sustainability and health. In northern Europe know this because, as a result of their long experience with exposure to carcinogenic gas, have paid dearly for their mistakes, even to a very high price in terms of human lives, but the consciousness of people has meant that we restructure the systems development. Once you have found the problem, took place this awareness. Too bad that even here we do not want to capitalize on their experience and do not look at past mistakes as teaching.
in what we differ from the rest of Europe?
In the rest of Europe have rejected these production systems and we are trimming an "old stuff" that no one else wanted and we ended up collecting a way of producing energy that no longer belongs to them, because they have suffered ' technological change. Why in the north Europa sono arrivati primi a scoprire i danni derivanti dall'emissione di questi gas. Ma qui si va avanti anche in virtù del ricatto occupazionale esistente: il risvolto economico della questione è fondamentale, è quella la ragione che spinge il progetto. Ma ci potrebbero essere altri modelli di produzione d'energia che ci consentirebbero di non inquinare e salvaguardare i rischi della salute.
Quali, in particolare?
Certamente l'eolico e il fotovoltaico, che producono energia pulita e sfruttano energie non esauribili, il sole e il vento. Ma eolico e fotovoltaico vanno intesi così come è avvenuto in Germania, cioè in maniera non selvaggia, non indiscriminata. Lo sfruttamento di queste risorse va fatto in maniera intelligent and would allow us to free ourselves from the bondage of exhaustible energy, hope, in other words, to reduce dependence on fossil fuels like oil and coal. What then, if we think, plants biomass are uneconomical because even to burn vegetable oil, the oil should be used: for this is that the biomass does not make sense. There are too many elements in the production of energy and we must serve the oil, which is a substance that seeks to eliminate production processes.
Air pollution (and, of course, that of earth and water) as they go sull'insorgere cancer?
And one of the first things you learn University, Faculty of Medicine. The tumors arise mainly for environmental reasons, certainly not by chance or divine fury. If we exclude a 7% accounted for by genetic tumors, the tendency to cancer that goes from generation to generation within a family, and collects a 30% smokers and those with improper conduct and detrimental to their health, all other cancers are environmental factors such as pollution or so-called "work tumors, those arising for prolonged exposure to carcinogens while working.
What do you think of MicroPlant, 1 MW?
have to see how much biomass exists in our real Salento. The problem vero è nelle tecnologie, che dovrebbero essere diverse e non obsolete. Pensiamo solo al fatto che le centrali a biomasse esistono in Europa già da cinquanta o sessanta anni, ma lì hanno deciso di trasformare il sistema e ora si avvalgono di tecnologie a biogas, che convertono il tutto in metano, che ha anche una maggiore resa energetica. Se anche noi riuscissimo a porci in un'ottica d'avanguardia, il problema potrebbe essere superabile.
La pericolosità di questi gas emessi dalle centrali a biomasse cresce con la loro concentrazione, cosi come avviene con la diossina?
Certamente sì. Tuttavia, la diossina consiste a tutt'oggì in un gravissimo problema relativo all'emissione di sostanze dannose e cancerogene.
Cosa pensare di ciò che sta avvenendo a Casarano, luogo dove potrebbe sorgere una di queste centrali a biomasse e dove lei opera?
La situazione di Casarano va di pari passo a quella di Cavallino, altro comune interessato dalla questione delle costituende centrali a biomasse. Che io sappia, proprio in questi giorni ci sono stati dei passaggi importantissimi per la risoluzione del problema. La Provincia di Lecce, l'Arpa e l'AsI hanno espresso parere sfavorevole. Questo mi fa ben sperare, perché significa innanzi tutto una presa di coscienza da parte delle istituzioni alle problematiche legate a questo tipo di impianti. C'è da augurarsi che anche gli imprenditori possano recepire questo tipo di sensibilità, perché I think they're victims of bad or lack of scientific information on the subject. I'd like to see happen what happened in Surat, just a couple of months ago. During a public meeting, I and other experts were engaged in a debate on the risks posed by emissions from biomass power stations, but at one point the farmer spoke, saying: "I just have this. I decided to withdraw ' plant. " In these days we will have a meeting with the mayor and the contractor and we hope the same awareness.
Source: Il Bel Paese 14/06/10
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