Monday, January 31, 2011

Mainship Grand Salon Review


The undersigned have hired a former parliamentary Alessandro Lanci, president of New Regional Direction Civico di trasmettere agli organi di informazione il seguente comunicato:

L’avvenire dell’Abruzzo non sarà il petrolio
Sabato 29 gennaio quasi tutti gli organi di informazione regionali hanno pubblicato un articolo sulla necessità di salvare l’industria del petrolio e nel quale si dava notizia di un accordo intervenuto tra Confindustria di Chieti e i segretari provinciali dei sindacati Cisl, Uil e Ugl per mettere in atto azioni congiunte per rimuovere gli attuali blocchi autorizzativi.
Nel contempo perveniva all’Associazione Nuovo Senso Civico una lettera della FIOM-CGIL, nella quale, tra l’altro, “si ringrazia l’Associazione per le numerose battaglie conducted against petrolizzazione in Abruzzo. The FIOM considers each event in this important way to safeguard the natural heritage of our region, a clear and obvious tourist. The FIOM considers essential the creation of a great united front, whether it is able to reject the sender's aggression carried out in recent months, the added value the natural heritage of our region holds dear. E 'continuous research necessary balance needed for environmentally sustainable industrial development. It should also be remembered the battle against the Sangro-chemistry that led then, the industrial development of the Sangro.
settlements and rape oil disfigure the territories, resulting in ripercussioni negative sulle imprese sensibili alle condizioni ambientali (pesca, viticultura, agricoltura in generale, turismo, enogastronomia, servizi legati a questi settori). E’ auspicabile quindi, intensificare le mobilitazioni a protezione delle già trascurate condizioni naturali”. La verità è che, come l’esperienza avrebbe dovuto insegnare, i posti di lavoro nell’industria petrolifera sono sempre molto pochi, ed anzi sono molto più quelli che distrugge che quelli che crea. Sono noti tra i tanti, gli esempi di Falconara, della Basilicata o della Sicilia. Ed inoltre la petrolizzazione finisce per disincentivare anche le industrie manifatturiere, che preferiscono territori non inquinati (oltre che privi di criminalità organizzata).
Senonché la Confindustria, sorda a tutto questo, pensa di risolvere i problemi occupazionali della nostra regione con l’industria petrolifera. Anche la Sangro Chimica, che voleva installare una gigantesca raffineria in Val di Sangro, prometteva – visto che promettere non costa nulla – tremila posti di lavoro. Le popolazioni non hanno abboccato ed hanno lottato per ben cinque anni ed alla fine hanno vinto. E se nel Sangro è venuta la SEVEL – che aveva dichiarato di essere incompatibile con la vicinanza di un impianto petrolchimico – lo si deve al fatto che la Sangro Chimica è stata scacciata. Ma c’è di più: le compagnie petrolifere che stanno dando l’assalto Abruzzo and its sea are small companies that have foreign capital a few thousand and that, in case of accidents, however, quite often, would take just five minutes to put the company into liquidation.
Regarding the problem of severe pollution that would invest in Abruzzo, well, the president of Confindustria Spring proclaims that "the environmental problem does not exist", because "the system environment in Abruzzo is already collapsing." So you might as well give this system the coup de grace: this is basically the reasoning of Confindustria.
Faced with allegations that speaks for itself, we say that questo progetto di petrolizzazione della nostra terra non passerà poiché noi solleveremo l’intero Abruzzo contro di esso. Nuovo Senso Civico e l’Associazione Difesa Beni Comuni hanno raccolto contro la deriva petrolifera, al prezzo di una immane fatica, ben cinquantamila firme, che presenteremo entro pochi giorni alla stampa e con le quali inonderemo governo nazionale ed enti e regione. E le generazioni future ci ringrazieranno, così come oggi ci ringraziano per la vittoriosa lotta contro la Sangro Chimica. Concludiamo con un appello a tutte le forze politiche perché contrastino la posizione del presidente della Confindustria e si impegnino, come già avvenuto in passato, a cercare altre strade per risolvere il problema dell’occupazione. Su questa posizione ci sono anche tutte le associazioni che si battono contro la deriva petrolifera.
Enrico Graziani, Angelo Staniscia, Antonio Ciancio,
Guido Di Mauro, Amedeo D’Addario.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Trannies With Flacid Penis


Il Presidente di confindustria Chieti,Paolo Primavera, oggi insieme ad alcune sigle sindacali, ha rilanciato il progetto di petrolizzazione dell'Abruzzo, sfornando dati sull'occupazione in merito alle attività petrolifere a cui ovviamente non crede nemmeno lui.
Più che rilanciare l'attività petrolifera farebbe bene a rilanciarsi in... e magari cominciassero, gli imprenditori, working really like their European and American, with industrial projects that truly bring jobs, prosperity for all, including industrial, safeguarding public health. About
there was a severe oil accident in Sardinia, you heard some news to talk about?
Maybe you can try on some newspaper or TV confindustria! Maybe you are luckier

We give advice to the President Spring eai his union friends, organize a great trip in the town of Vedelago (TV). An excellent industrial design has allowed us to organize a collection of 95%, transforming the waste into a resource, if a diamond does not come from collecting anything differential can be born everything from chairs, to building materials, flooring for the interior and prefabricated. The Recycling Center Vedelago is proof that waste disposal can become free with the collection. If incinerators produce disease, waste recycling create jobs. Vedelago creates an induced 9,200 people. E 'need a recycling center in each province as Vedelago. The bill must be incinerated garbage, do not waste. Municipalities of the consortium as well as benefit of employment produced Vedelago, citizens make a charge for waste disposal as a fifth of what we pay.
We know that to implement these projects should be studied and applied, this is very difficult for you, try it, maybe if your brain is busy working on some serious project, would shoot less bullshit.
We can break our dependence on oil.
We must support these innovations.


We can break our dependence on oil.
We must support these innovations.

's why I asked Congress to eliminate the billions of dollars
public that we give to oil companies.
do not know if you've noticed, but they are doing well for themselves.

So, instead of subsidizing the energy yesterday,
invest in that of tomorrow.

President Obama,
address to the nation, January 25, 2011

Oil spill in Platamona, banned miles of beaches.
Driven by the current fuel oil into the sea over the ego. On the Castelsardo, Porto Torres is approaching. The oil spill is much larger than expected and the mayors of Sassari, Porto Torres and Sorso have banned access to the beaches until they are cleared. A taskforce has been collecting the tar in large black bags should then be disposed of as hazardous waste. The judiciary has initiated an investigation and awaiting the first report by the Harbour Master. Perhaps today the first suspects
Gianni Bazzoni

PlatamonaSASSARI reclamation operations. The fear is a return to the past when big business was being born and left indelible marks at sea and on beaches. "Tar," they said in Porto Torres, and Marina di Platamona Sorso. Now the 'black stamp' pollution comes from another direction, line of center of E. On Holy River. Thousands of gallons of fuel oil into the sea by a pipe on the dock, where a tanker was moored to pump fuel for the two older groups termocentrale, in the early eighties, kept in motion with strokes of exceptions.

The fuel oil was released from a hole as big as a pin (Hard to see at a place where there is a "fracture of the rock"), when operators are realized if the sea had changed color and the thick oil was traveling out to sea. Ten thousand liters - after E. On - many more according to initial assessments of the technicians who have begun to investigate the problem. And it is the uncertainty, the nearest and the apparent calm that worry.

READ oil spill, one week for the reclamation in the Gulf of environmental and identify responsibilities. The case was assigned by the Chief Prosecutor Roberto Saieva to substitute Paolo Piras and today could be the first on the register of suspects.

As the Port of Porto Torres - who proceeds in the investigation - has filed an incident report. The hypothesis is that at sea are finished at least 30 thousand gallons of heavy oil, stuff that leaves its mark. The fuel, driven by currents, has wandered in the open sea and is the beach - with the passing of hours - between Porto Torres and Marina Platamona Sorso, but it could be up to Castelsardo. They were first spotted the dead seagulls, "paralyzed" after bath di olio combustibile.

Sulla sabbia blocchi di catrame grandi come palloni da basket. Non è un bello spettacolo, ed è solo una magra consolazione che l'incidente sia capitato d'inverno e non in piena estate, quando il litorale è invaso da migliaia di bagnanti.

E' emergenza totale, comunque. I sindaci di Sassari, Porto Torres e Sorso - Gianfranco Ganau, Beniamino Scarpa e Giuseppe Morghen - ieri pomeriggio hanno emesso le ordinanze per vietare l'accesso alle spiagge sino a quando non saranno ripristinate le condizioni di normalità. Si tratta di una misura legata alla potenziale pericolosità del materiale finito in mare (classificato R45, quindi tra quelli cancerogeni). Non c'è certezza sulla quantità Fuel lost by accident, certainly without any obstacles because the breakdown floats - as revealed until now - were not present in the section where the leak occurred.

"The employees of E. ON have noticed the problem only when the material was found afloat - the mayor said Gianfranco Ganau - ask for complete clarity the incident."

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rook Piercing Swollen Keloid


Il metodo per fare i capelli lisci alle bambole è molto semplice.
Nel web si vedono parecchi tutorial in proposito.
Io l'ho imparato quando, ancora alle prime armi, ho
acquistato il manuale MAKING THE DOLL di Rossella Usai .
Cut a rectangle of cardboard, the extent may vary depending on the length of hair you have chosen for your doll. Important is that the width of the card is half the length of hair you have decided.
Roll up the wool around the cardboard.

When you have completed the wool cut and arrange on tissue paper.

Close as if you made it secure with a packet of pins. Draw with a pencil the exact middle of the parcel and sewn by machine. Tear the tissue paper.

This will give you a real wig that you can shape at will.
If you want a thicker head of hair, repeat the procedure several times, and when the head sewn overlay wigs obtained.

Sew the wig to the doll's head in the length, cut any loose ends of the Wool and if you want a fringe or a long tuft cut the desired length.

Here I show you some dolls whose hair has been made with this method.

For this doll I wanted my hair to the side line and then, when I sewing machine, I moved a little downtown.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

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PHOTO OF SANSIFICIO GROTTAMMARE Depending on how the wind blows, you have to hold their noses to the miasma of the City of sansificio Vecere Treglio, Lancaster and invading neighboring countries, creating problems of living due the oily stench emitted by the dense fumes whitish and its smokestack.
In the vicinity of a black oily film covering windowsills, washing hung out to dry, cars, billboards, fields and crops.
's major concern of residents is whether the respiratory problems, sore eyes often feel, are attributable to emissions of sansificio or another.
The question is which and what kind of substances are released?
The concern is particularly for the vapors of hexane, with recognized toxicity solvent used to extract oil from the oily meal.
addition of hexane vapors into the atmosphere pomace oil extractors emit dust (PM10 and others), oxides of nitrogen, hydrochloric acid, volatile organic compounds and sulfur oxides.
Substances occupies the DPR n.203/1988 "Implementation of EU Directives nos. 80/779 - 82/884 - 84/360 and 85/203 concerning rules on air quality in relation to specific pollutants and pollution from industrial plants, under Article 15 of the L. April 16, 1987, No 183.
We are not aware that the Mayors of Frentania, which by law must ensure the health of citizens, have asked the artist in the Abruzzo region to conduct tests on emissions from pomace oil extractors to see if the regulations are complied with.
The Mayor is the guardian of the health of its citizens, and a sense of responsibility and civic duty, can not afford or tolerate pests that adversely affect the most valuable asset, consisting of health and guaranteed by art. 32 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic.
The Region of Puglia with the LR No. 7 of 22.01.1999, on odoriferous emissions derived from pomace oil extractors, has adopted a law with which the place limits on the issue of the substances listed above.
Until the Abruzzo region deals with a matter so important and sensitive, the only safeguard of citizens entrusted Article .674 of the Criminal Code, which states: "Whoever throws or pours, in a place of public transit or a private place or another but of common use, things likely to offend or harass people or dirty, or, in cases not permitted by law, rise to emissions of gas, vapor or smoke, acts to cause such effects, shall be punished with imprisonment for up to a month or a fine of up € to two hundred and six. " A LITTLE 'bit.
Therefore, in addition to exclusive live coverage of the Abruzzo Region insist it is decided to launch a comprehensive and effective discipline, we ask the mayors of Frentania to apply to art for carrying out all required inspections on Sansificio Vecere Ltd Treglio.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How To Do Up Double Belt


This time Berlusconi is over. History will remember an underage homeless as the one who dropped one of the richest and most powerful on the planet.

An "invisible", a "bare life" Agamben would say, a gorgeous body but that does not exist as an identity,
sans papier and then without a trace and without recognition, in the hands of institutions that tossed from one community to 'other (the last vestige, in hindsight, the host community and detention centers of power than before the law Basaglia the state could exercise, under the pretext of security, protection, care, about innocent lives, free, released, and for this potentially treacherous for the hinges and the mesh of the system), the man who kneels to the visibility and power has made his banner and his armor.

On the other hand, if Cleopatra had been bad or inhibited, or if the Countess Castiglione, the vulva golden age of the Risorgimento, had been coy with Napoleon III, the story would have taken different routes.

"They pay me to talk, they pay me to shut up. I have become rich." Without having read Wilde, Nietzsche, Pirandello, has, in its own way, their genius, rather unthinkingly embodies, implementing it, making it hard cash. Where is the reality, where the ghost.

Perhaps no one will ever know the truth. The Cavalier lie, as he called Raboni, felled by the same ambiguity, indecisiveness by the same media (which are typical of our age, not only of our country) of true and false, fact and illusion, which has built and sustained his tottering empire shaped blank of light, insubstantial splendor of crude and mercantile nothing.

you, just be aware of "an ass" (she is ready to strip, spontaneously and defiantly, in front of the police as Thais in the Areopagus, or as Caterina Sforza before the soldiers threatened to kill the children), just the his humiliation, his weakness, his nullification of its liability has been able to do your own secret explosive weapon.

One can only hope that she is not (like poor D'Addario, devastated by life before, his copy, or misrepresentation, then the media), in turn, swallowed up and devoured by the system of communication which it is served with wild wisdom, with bold sparingly, while venendone exploited, and that that system almost impersonal, with its logic above, it will backfire against her as against the one who more than anyone else if they have benefited - indeed it has helped create it, or at least to which it is now, it becomes so empty, annoying, obsessive with his buzz and his troubling background noise and ruthless, they crush each and every life event to make them disappear into a hazy cloud of dust to pieces.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Acv And Coconut Oil Stomach


Since many have appreciated Jordan's dress, I decided to do a mini tutorial on its implementation.

The dress is made of felt and davandi is equal to the rear.
The application is built with scraps of cloth, while the stick umbrella, hat and boots of Jordan will be felt.
can shrink or enlarge the pattern with a photocopy depending on the size of your doll.

Cut out all the shapes of the application, assemble it together and sew the dress with the sewing machine or hand stitch.

When you make a cut behind the center-cut for the opening and apply the velcro as the photo.

the United front to back and edged with buttonhole stitch around the neck, armholes and hem of her dress to stitch.

Assembly is very simple because the dress is made of felt and then cut it to live and should not be on board; you have to have a little patience in making the decoration, because, being composed of small parts, it's a bit laborious.

Good job!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

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A biomass a day keeps the doctor away, or maybe it was an apple, who knows.
Fattostà that Guardiagrele Northerners with the backing of some subjects want to open yet another incinerator.
The difference between the subjects and citizens and some politicians tregliesi Guardiesi and that they are opposed.
We are tired of repeating every day that politicians should serve the interests of citizens, unfortunately, with rare exceptions, this almost never happens.
Linceneritore Treglio to pollute an area of \u200b\u200b20 square kilometers, virtually all Frentania
, to which we add the two incinerators and gas turbines and then to Ortona , oil wells at sea and on land, Turbogas of Ortona (105 MW) gas turbine Gissi (850 MW), SEVEL gas turbines (100 MW), toxic and hazardous waste incinerator Laterlite of Lentella, biomass incinerator in Ortona, Ortona Koke storage (oil processing waste), landfill of toxic and dangerous Rocca S. John, dump toxic waste and dangerous Mottille S. Bosco Salvo, landfill Cerratina Lanciano, Akea of \u200b\u200bOrsogna, ciaf Atessa, illegal dump of hazardous waste to the Camorra Tollo. in the authorization or construction: refinery and gas wells in Bomba, dump asbestos in Ortona, Centro Oli Ortona, I iceneritore Castelfrentano for biomass, the biomass of Vasto iceneritore to 1, biomass incinerator 2 Broad, high-voltage power line Terna, ETC. ETC. Well, after all, has anyone ever heard of a mayor, strongly recommended a municipal, provincial or even regional Frentania, protect the health and interests of their fellow citizens?
If you know someone let us whistle.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Acne With Jergens Natural Glow



Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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Toano biomass will not be ... availability of the region to redirect the 3.3 million allocated to new technologies ... continues "" On the design of the incinerator in the shot comes from Parma ko Movements in Emilia Romagna. a resolution filed by Councilor
Favia designed with technicians in the field of international offers of alternatives, citing national and European regulations .. We will see the parties, from IDV to SEL-Green, the PDL in words that begin to challenge the system will be consistent and vote for this resolution ... continues . "Thanks to the hard work of the Committee No Incinerators, also supported by Movement 5 Stars, the TAR of Lazio has accepted the appeals filed against the construction of the incinerator in Lazio Albano ... continues
" Letter

Patrizia Gentilini, oncologist. " With the recent scandal of dioxin in chickens and eggs back to the German problem of food security (... mozzarella bells, sheep Puglia, the Irish pig) but is likely to pass as a news story among many. The term refers to the dioxin TCDD , known as "Seveso dioxin
" after the incident of 1976 hazardous infinitesimal doses (billionths of a milligram), was defined as the substance most dangerous known, similar to this molecule there are hundreds that we speak broadly of " dioxins." Molecules are persistent in the environment, whose employment is for 90% via food: fish, milk, meat, eggs and cheese. Dioxins are passed from mother to fetus during pregnancy and lactation. The studies show that in Italy, an infant of 5 kg assume dioxins from tens to hundreds of times higher than the EU limit. Dioxins under the category of endocrine disruptors. Exposure to dioxins is related to the development of cancer (*). Since this is so dangerous substances has been drawn up in 2004 Stockholm convention from 120 countries, including Italy, to ban the intentional production and impose a reduction of the unwanted. Too bad that our country has been the only one not to have ratified! The
dioxins are formed under certain temperature conditions in the presence of chlorine. Every combustion process, especially plastics, leading to their formation, and are present in the smoke and ash from incinerators. The dioxin
eggs date back to the feeding of oil-contaminated industrial pollutants and other animals, but this obscures the fact that in 2005, in the same region (Lower Saxony), had highlighted a contamination beyond the limits of no less than 28% of chickens raised outdoors - so chickens' free range , "because we consider to be safe kept in a" natural . The Lower Saxony is characterized by steel mills and incinerators. Speaking of feed and of the impact of dioxins does not focus on the consequences of a "development " industrial insane. Have destroyed the civilization, poisoned the land with pesticides and pollutants as absurd and allowed plants and incinerators causes incalculable harm to the environment and health and undermines the very possibility of survival of future generations. The data relating to ' European agriculture
show that Italy is doomed to failure from the point of view of agriculture that is supposed to represent excellence in our country. 'S performance of the agricultural income for 2009 is 2010: EU +12.3, +54.8 Denmark, Netherlands, +32, +31 France, Germany, +23, +7 Spain, Italy -3.3 (with a decline in agricultural area of \u200b\u200b19,200 sq km in the last 10 years). We must recognize the failure the current development model that does not care about the consequences of their choices and come to contaminate the bases also contaminating the food supply the world's most precious: mother's milk! " Patrizia Gentilini - President of Association of Doctors for the Environment ISDE Forlì

Dark Brown Discharge On Seasonique


Jordan was born from a discovery.
In an old trunk of my mother I found several issues of "Mani di Fata" 70's. In 1974, there was a drawing of a doll to be applied reminiscent of the ones in vogue in those years:
Sarah Kay and Holly Hobbie.
Take now the idea:
why not make a doll with a dress differently?
L'ho pensato di feltro rosso e con un' applichè, potremmo dire "vintage"?

Non nascondo che è stato un pò laborioso, quasi un lavoro certosino, ma alla fine ne è valsa la pena; il vestito è venuto veramente carino, peccato che la foto non gli renda giustizia.
Ho utilizzato tessuti patchwork americani, mentre il cappello è in feltro così come il manico dell'ombrello e gli stivaletti.

Le scarpe sono in feltro e sopra le calze ho realizzato degli scaldamuscoli in lana.

I capelli li ho voluti rigorosamente ricci e biondi come le bamboline dell'epoca.

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AVEZZANO. Biomass plant:

the conversion of the former sugar Celanoin biomass plant, the town of Avezzano passes to the facts.
this afternoon, in fact, the lawyers will explain to members of the Committee of Environment the grounds of opposition to the central biomass and the action steps that will be presented to the TAR.
's lawyers will ask on behalf of the administration's decision to suspend the
Street block Conversion of former sugar
Celano. To oppose the construction of the plant biomass
the Environment Committee of the Municipality of Avezzano
has already taken steps to extend the perimeter of the Natural Reserve of Monte Salviano

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Vedi i casi petrolio, inceneritori, discariche e cementificazione della costa.

Il traguardo storico raggiunto con la raccolta di 50.000 firme, fatta quasi solo esclusivamente da NUOVO SENSO CIVICO e COMITATO COMMON DEFENCE PROPERTY, two local associations, without the mobilization of historical associations, political parties, trade unions and so on. Demonstrates the awareness of citizens about this emergency.

The people of Abruzzo, not having the ring on her nose, (like many politicians think, nail on the head), have expressed a very negative against the President of our region.

certainly come last in a nation where there are regions that are much worse than us says a lot about his work, and if it does not change the register, he and his friends will be remembered by Abruzzo, like the ruling class that has the annihilation 'environment of this region.

Years from now, when we become like Gela and Taranto, with all the diseases that people suffer for the choices of their administrators, we hope to meet again and nails it can look into my eyes and finally ... ..

Saturday, January 8, 2011

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, (almost two SEVEL) Here's the difference between public administration capable, farsighted and honest.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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Click here:


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What Shoes To Wear With Slim Jeans


Prima bambola del 2011, Bettina: candida come la neve.
Ho trovato il tessuto per il vestito per caso e mi è piaciuto subito; non sembra, ma è un velluto non lucido, rasato con dei piccoli fiori tono su tono e con il gambo e le foglie nocciola; always in the same store I found a scrap of soft cream-colored shirt and I made the hat and shawl.

I have decorated the hat with a rose and a bow and the same nutty I did for coprispalla.

I dress decorated with roses and bows with a hazelnut and ruffle trimmings in tone

Bettina in atmosphere.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Braun Bump Free Shaver


I wonder if the Deputy Mayor, engineer, entrepreneur Professor Paul Connet inventor of the policy of "Zero Waste". Probably Eng. Di Nunzio as chief ALESA has committed itself in much more ambitious projects.


With Enzo Palazzo who has suggested this link

Saturday, January 1, 2011

How Long Does It Take Drysol To Work?


See this document movie until the end, you'll definitely a better idea in regard to certain politicians, entrepreneurs and would-be scientists.

A little bit about what happened in Treglio December 21, 2010, during the play staged by the promoters of the incinerator.
acting on stage there were politicians, businessmen and fake scientists in biomass.