Il Presidente di confindustria Chieti,Paolo Primavera, oggi insieme ad alcune sigle sindacali, ha rilanciato il progetto di petrolizzazione dell'Abruzzo, sfornando dati sull'occupazione in merito alle attività petrolifere a cui ovviamente non crede nemmeno lui.
Più che rilanciare l'attività petrolifera farebbe bene a rilanciarsi in... e magari cominciassero, gli imprenditori, working really like their European and American, with industrial projects that truly bring jobs, prosperity for all, including industrial, safeguarding public health. About
there was a severe oil accident in Sardinia, you heard some news to talk about?
Maybe you can try on some newspaper or TV confindustria! Maybe you are luckier
We give advice to the President Spring eai his union friends, organize a great trip in the town of Vedelago (TV). An excellent industrial design has allowed us to organize a collection of 95%, transforming the waste into a resource, if a diamond does not come from collecting anything differential can be born everything from chairs, to building materials, flooring for the interior and prefabricated. The Recycling Center Vedelago is proof that waste disposal can become free with the collection. If incinerators produce disease, waste recycling create jobs. Vedelago creates an induced 9,200 people. E 'need a recycling center in each province as Vedelago. The bill must be incinerated garbage, do not waste. Municipalities of the consortium as well as benefit of employment produced Vedelago, citizens make a charge for waste disposal as a fifth of what we pay.
We know that to implement these projects should be studied and applied, this is very difficult for you, try it, maybe if your brain is busy working on some serious project, would shoot less bullshit.
We can break our dependence on oil.
We must support these innovations.
We can break our dependence on oil.
We must support these innovations.
's why I asked Congress to eliminate the billions of dollars
public that we give to oil companies.
do not know if you've noticed, but they are doing well for themselves.
So, instead of subsidizing the energy yesterday,
invest in that of tomorrow.
President Obama,
address to the nation, January 25, 2011
Oil spill in Platamona, banned miles of beaches.
Driven by the current fuel oil into the sea over the ego. On the Castelsardo, Porto Torres is approaching. The oil spill is much larger than expected and the mayors of Sassari, Porto Torres and Sorso have banned access to the beaches until they are cleared. A taskforce has been collecting the tar in large black bags should then be disposed of as hazardous waste. The judiciary has initiated an investigation and awaiting the first report by the Harbour Master. Perhaps today the first suspects
Gianni Bazzoni
PlatamonaSASSARI reclamation operations. The fear is a return to the past when big business was being born and left indelible marks at sea and on beaches. "Tar," they said in Porto Torres, and Marina di Platamona Sorso. Now the 'black stamp' pollution comes from another direction, line of center of E. On Holy River. Thousands of gallons of fuel oil into the sea by a pipe on the dock, where a tanker was moored to pump fuel for the two older groups termocentrale, in the early eighties, kept in motion with strokes of exceptions.
The fuel oil was released from a hole as big as a pin (Hard to see at a place where there is a "fracture of the rock"), when operators are realized if the sea had changed color and the thick oil was traveling out to sea. Ten thousand liters - after E. On - many more according to initial assessments of the technicians who have begun to investigate the problem. And it is the uncertainty, the nearest and the apparent calm that worry.
READ oil spill, one week for the reclamation in the Gulf of environmental and identify responsibilities. The case was assigned by the Chief Prosecutor Roberto Saieva to substitute Paolo Piras and today could be the first on the register of suspects.
As the Port of Porto Torres - who proceeds in the investigation - has filed an incident report. The hypothesis is that at sea are finished at least 30 thousand gallons of heavy oil, stuff that leaves its mark. The fuel, driven by currents, has wandered in the open sea and is the beach - with the passing of hours - between Porto Torres and Marina Platamona Sorso, but it could be up to Castelsardo. They were first spotted the dead seagulls, "paralyzed" after bath di olio combustibile.
Sulla sabbia blocchi di catrame grandi come palloni da basket. Non è un bello spettacolo, ed è solo una magra consolazione che l'incidente sia capitato d'inverno e non in piena estate, quando il litorale è invaso da migliaia di bagnanti.
E' emergenza totale, comunque. I sindaci di Sassari, Porto Torres e Sorso - Gianfranco Ganau, Beniamino Scarpa e Giuseppe Morghen - ieri pomeriggio hanno emesso le ordinanze per vietare l'accesso alle spiagge sino a quando non saranno ripristinate le condizioni di normalità. Si tratta di una misura legata alla potenziale pericolosità del materiale finito in mare (classificato R45, quindi tra quelli cancerogeni). Non c'è certezza sulla quantità Fuel lost by accident, certainly without any obstacles because the breakdown floats - as revealed until now - were not present in the section where the leak occurred.
"The employees of E. ON have noticed the problem only when the material was found afloat - the mayor said Gianfranco Ganau - ask for complete clarity the incident."
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