A biomass a day keeps the doctor away, or maybe it was an apple, who knows.
Fattostà that Guardiagrele Northerners with the backing of some subjects want to open yet another incinerator.
The difference between the subjects and citizens and some politicians tregliesi Guardiesi and that they are opposed. We are tired of repeating every day that politicians should serve the interests of citizens, unfortunately, with rare exceptions, this almost never happens.
Linceneritore Treglio to pollute an area of \u200b\u200b20 square kilometers, virtually all Frentania
, to which we add the two incinerators and gas turbines and then to Ortona , oil wells at sea and on land, Turbogas of Ortona (105 MW) gas turbine Gissi (850 MW), SEVEL gas turbines (100 MW), toxic and hazardous waste incinerator Laterlite of Lentella, biomass incinerator in Ortona, Ortona Koke storage (oil processing waste), landfill of toxic and dangerous Rocca S. John, dump toxic waste and dangerous Mottille S. Bosco Salvo, landfill Cerratina Lanciano, Akea of \u200b\u200bOrsogna, ciaf Atessa, illegal dump of hazardous waste to the Camorra Tollo. in the authorization or construction: refinery and gas wells in Bomba, dump asbestos in Ortona, Centro Oli Ortona, I iceneritore Castelfrentano for biomass, the biomass of Vasto iceneritore to 1, biomass incinerator 2 Broad, high-voltage power line Terna, ETC. ETC. Well, after all, has anyone ever heard of a mayor, strongly recommended a municipal, provincial or even regional Frentania, protect the health and interests of their fellow citizens?
If you know someone let us whistle.
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