Vedi i casi petrolio, inceneritori, discariche e cementificazione della costa.
Il traguardo storico raggiunto con la raccolta di 50.000 firme, fatta quasi solo esclusivamente da NUOVO SENSO CIVICO e COMITATO COMMON DEFENCE PROPERTY, two local associations, without the mobilization of historical associations, political parties, trade unions and so on. Demonstrates the awareness of citizens about this emergency.
The people of Abruzzo, not having the ring on her nose, (like many politicians think, nail on the head), have expressed a very negative against the President of our region.
certainly come last in a nation where there are regions that are much worse than us says a lot about his work, and if it does not change the register, he and his friends will be remembered by Abruzzo, like the ruling class that has the annihilation 'environment of this region.
Years from now, when we become like Gela and Taranto, with all the diseases that people suffer for the choices of their administrators, we hope to meet again and nails it can look into my eyes and finally ... ..
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